
Healthy Mind and Confidence

kara barnett

For several years I struggled with being overweight. I had awful anxiety and depression. I never posted pictures of myself anywhere, I didn’t want people to see how unhappy I was. I ate whatever I wanted. I was very lazy.

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About 8 months ago, I realized I needed a change. I started watching what I ate and making sure I didn’t go over the calories I needed. I only drank water. I started going to the gym and doing cardio and weightlifting. It’s all about your mindset and routine. You can do anything that you want to as long as you put your mind to it. It takes time and it’s not easy, but it’s so worth it in the end.

I have since lost 30 lbs. I no longer struggle with anxiety and depression. I am happy. I have my confidence back. I am only going to get better from here. I post my journey on Instagram to help inspire others who were in the same boat as me.


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