Before I started bodybuilding, I was a larger girl. I was always athletic, but just bigger than most people in sports. I moved to Hawaii on my freshman year of college, and did the whole “freshman 15” thing. Except, it was way more than 15. I have no idea how much I weighed because I actively avoided weighing in. I didn’t actually take photos or look at a scale until I was sort of satisfied with the way I looked. One day, it all hit me. I was so disappointed with myself and what I had turned into, I decided to make a change. Not a gradual one either. I went all in. I went back to my apartment, cleaned out the entire pantry, and made a very large Whole Foods run. On the way home, I went and bought a gym membership.

My friend in the fitness industry gave me some macros to hit and a list of supplements to pick up, and the rest is history. I fell in love. As soon as the weight started to come off, I was absolutely addicted. I never missed a day in the gym, I obsessed over my food, and was crazy about seeing the muscular progression.
A few months later, the same friend encouraged me to compete. I completely blew off the idea. I honestly thought the idea of prancing around on stage in a sparkly bikini was one of the stupidest things I had ever heard of. The idea grew on me… I decided to meet with a coach and do a show. I am very competitive, and my mindset was, “I’ll only continue if I win” Well, jokes on me. I won my class, and was hooked!
Fast forward almost 3 years and here I am today: about to enter my second year as an IFBB Figure Professional. I absolutely would have laughed if someone would have told me this is where I would end up a few years ago. But, I am so unbelievably happy with the way my life turned out. Fitness is my passion, my sanity, my “thing”. I spent years trying to find out what I could be passionate about, and this is it. I can’t imagine my life without it or any other way.